Collaboration between retailers, law enforcement, and the communities they serve, requires a coordinated effort and is critical for success in the battle against organized retail crime.
The Outstanding ORCA Award honors a standout Organized Retail Crime Association for its exceptional partnership and investigative efforts. This award category is intended to spotlight an association that excels in uniting law enforcement, retailers, and communities to combat retail crime. Criteria includes but is not limited to: innovative strategies for intelligence sharing, investigative success, and impactful crime reduction. We are looking for that ORCA that exemplifies how effective partnerships across sectors can lead to significant advancements in the fight against organized retail crime, demonstrating leadership, innovation, and a commitment to creating a safer retail environment, and safer communities, through collective action and shared resources.
The Outstanding ORCA Award honors a standout Organized Retail Crime Association for its exceptional partnership and investigative efforts. This award category is intended to spotlight an association that excels in uniting law enforcement, retailers, and communities to combat retail crime. Criteria includes but is not limited to: innovative strategies for intelligence sharing, investigative success, and impactful crime reduction. We are looking for that ORCA that exemplifies how effective partnerships across sectors can lead to significant advancements in the fight against organized retail crime, demonstrating leadership, innovation, and a commitment to creating a safer retail environment, and safer communities, through collective action and shared resources.
meet LAST year's finalists...
Outstanding ORCA Finalist #1: GROC, Georgia Retailers Organized Crime Alliance - WINNER!
Here's what people are saying about GROC:
Since its establishment in 2012, GROC has been at the forefront of the ORCA movement. With over 150 monthly intelligence-sharing meetings, 13 Annual Retail Crime Training Conferences, and 15 scholarships awarded to students at Georgia State University and Kennesaw State University studying Criminal Justice with an interest in retail Asset Protection or law enforcement, GROC's impact is significant. Moreover, GROC has organized nine blitz operations since 2019. GROC has been actively raising ORC awareness and fostering partnerships between law enforcement and retailers. This includes engaging with the Georgia Attorney General, delivering presentations at local conferences like the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police and the Georgia Association of Women in Public Safety, and conducting training sessions for multiple law enforcement agencies. Recently GROC's inaugural annual Law Enforcement Officer Symposium united 100 officers for a day dedicated to networking and ORC training. GROC supports local charities through its events and conferences, collaborates with retailers and law enforcement for arrests, and helps remove boosters and fences from the streets, enhancing community safety. GROC is committed to increasing ORC awareness in Georgia and seeking new ways to collaborate with law enforcement to safeguard businesses and communities.
Outstanding ORCA #2: NEORCA - New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance
Here's what people are saying about NEORCA:
The New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance (NEORCA) is submitted for consideration for the 2023-2024 Outstanding ORCA Award for its measured success with law enforcement outreach and suppression of organized retail crime (ORC) within the six New England states. NEORCA's most meaningful accomplishment was to set the standard nationally for federal ORC cases by connecting street gangs funded by ORC which initiated the first Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation for ORC. This investigation resulted in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charges against gang members in Boston, Massachusetts. The OCDETF investigation was named "Operation Family Affair" by NEORCA and the Heath Street Gang was targeted as a RICO case for their involvement in a multi-state organized theft and refund fraud scheme. Warrants were successfully executed on the morning of February 14, 2024, for the arrests of forty-one gang members and associates, and the seizure of over 60 firearms, bulk currency and narcotics. NEORCA actively participated in this case to the end by sending a representative to assist the command center during the early morning round up. As a direct result of NEORCA's outreach and partnerships with retail victims, the potential cumulative sentencing for the 41 gang members is 580 years in prison and fines up to $25.5 million. Immobilizing the gang's hierarchy allowed the Boston Police leadership to meet with parents and teens in the areas that were recently controlled by the gang. This enables the city to introduce other resources to help the teens steer clear of a life of crime and encourage positive community relationships. NEORCA hosts an annual ORC workshop, works closely with criminal analysts, hosts monthly information sharing meetings throughout New England and offers training to its membership. Through NEORCA's law enforcement members, a presentation is submitted for the 2024 International Association of Chiefs of Police conference, articles are published in Chiefs of Police magazine and law enforcement bulletins to bring further awareness of organized retail crime. The blueprint for an OCDETF/RICO investigation to suppress ORC has been established and will be used as a template in New England for upcoming cases.
Outstanding ORCA Finalist #3: ORCAOR - Organized Retail Crime Association of Oregon
Here's what people are saying about ORCAOR:
Watching from a neighboring state, what ORCAOR has been able to achieve the past few years is truly exemplary. Since their creation in 2019 the board, lead by Jeremy Girard with Target, have grown their organization into a model ORCA bridging the gap and fostering partnerships between retail, law enforcement, and prosecutors. Working tirelessly, they engaged law makers in their state to update and pass new legislation, Senate Bills 340 and 318, which are now resulting in large scale arrests and the disruption of criminal groups in the Northwest. Furthering the efforts are the ORC Task Forces and ORC prosecutors, who are able to investigate and prosecute these cases and suspects, treating them like the true criminal networks they are. ORCAOR continues to hold chapter meetings, furthering the relationships and educating its members on the current trends and suspects they are seeing. I am proud to nominate ORCAOR for Outstanding ORCA.
Outstanding ORCA #4: METRORCA - Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance
Here's what people are saying about METRORCA:
..... 1 am writing to wholeheartedly recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for
consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies have significantly reduced theft rates and safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. Their relentless efforts not only mitigate risks associated with organized retail crime but also contribute to the overall safety and well-being of our community. I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable impact of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance's initiatives, and I have no doubt that their exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication make them deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.
...... 1 am writing to recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies has safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. Their relentless efforts not only mitigate risks associated with organized retail crime but also contribute to the overall safety and well-being of our community. I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable impact of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance's initiatives, and I have no doubt that their exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication make them deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.
..... 1 am nominating the METRORCA for outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year.
The METRORCA continues to demonstrate a strong sense of community and support for all retailers regardless of size. The METRO RCA has demonstrated through its collaboration with Law Enforcement, Retailers, and Private channels its ability to mitigate loss and protect people. The support provided by the METRORCA is invaluable and unmatched .
..... 1 am writing to recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies has safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. It was through this alliance that I was also able to make connections when I was laid off from my last position.
Here's what people are saying about GROC:
Since its establishment in 2012, GROC has been at the forefront of the ORCA movement. With over 150 monthly intelligence-sharing meetings, 13 Annual Retail Crime Training Conferences, and 15 scholarships awarded to students at Georgia State University and Kennesaw State University studying Criminal Justice with an interest in retail Asset Protection or law enforcement, GROC's impact is significant. Moreover, GROC has organized nine blitz operations since 2019. GROC has been actively raising ORC awareness and fostering partnerships between law enforcement and retailers. This includes engaging with the Georgia Attorney General, delivering presentations at local conferences like the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police and the Georgia Association of Women in Public Safety, and conducting training sessions for multiple law enforcement agencies. Recently GROC's inaugural annual Law Enforcement Officer Symposium united 100 officers for a day dedicated to networking and ORC training. GROC supports local charities through its events and conferences, collaborates with retailers and law enforcement for arrests, and helps remove boosters and fences from the streets, enhancing community safety. GROC is committed to increasing ORC awareness in Georgia and seeking new ways to collaborate with law enforcement to safeguard businesses and communities.
Outstanding ORCA #2: NEORCA - New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance
Here's what people are saying about NEORCA:
The New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance (NEORCA) is submitted for consideration for the 2023-2024 Outstanding ORCA Award for its measured success with law enforcement outreach and suppression of organized retail crime (ORC) within the six New England states. NEORCA's most meaningful accomplishment was to set the standard nationally for federal ORC cases by connecting street gangs funded by ORC which initiated the first Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation for ORC. This investigation resulted in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charges against gang members in Boston, Massachusetts. The OCDETF investigation was named "Operation Family Affair" by NEORCA and the Heath Street Gang was targeted as a RICO case for their involvement in a multi-state organized theft and refund fraud scheme. Warrants were successfully executed on the morning of February 14, 2024, for the arrests of forty-one gang members and associates, and the seizure of over 60 firearms, bulk currency and narcotics. NEORCA actively participated in this case to the end by sending a representative to assist the command center during the early morning round up. As a direct result of NEORCA's outreach and partnerships with retail victims, the potential cumulative sentencing for the 41 gang members is 580 years in prison and fines up to $25.5 million. Immobilizing the gang's hierarchy allowed the Boston Police leadership to meet with parents and teens in the areas that were recently controlled by the gang. This enables the city to introduce other resources to help the teens steer clear of a life of crime and encourage positive community relationships. NEORCA hosts an annual ORC workshop, works closely with criminal analysts, hosts monthly information sharing meetings throughout New England and offers training to its membership. Through NEORCA's law enforcement members, a presentation is submitted for the 2024 International Association of Chiefs of Police conference, articles are published in Chiefs of Police magazine and law enforcement bulletins to bring further awareness of organized retail crime. The blueprint for an OCDETF/RICO investigation to suppress ORC has been established and will be used as a template in New England for upcoming cases.
Outstanding ORCA Finalist #3: ORCAOR - Organized Retail Crime Association of Oregon
Here's what people are saying about ORCAOR:
Watching from a neighboring state, what ORCAOR has been able to achieve the past few years is truly exemplary. Since their creation in 2019 the board, lead by Jeremy Girard with Target, have grown their organization into a model ORCA bridging the gap and fostering partnerships between retail, law enforcement, and prosecutors. Working tirelessly, they engaged law makers in their state to update and pass new legislation, Senate Bills 340 and 318, which are now resulting in large scale arrests and the disruption of criminal groups in the Northwest. Furthering the efforts are the ORC Task Forces and ORC prosecutors, who are able to investigate and prosecute these cases and suspects, treating them like the true criminal networks they are. ORCAOR continues to hold chapter meetings, furthering the relationships and educating its members on the current trends and suspects they are seeing. I am proud to nominate ORCAOR for Outstanding ORCA.
Outstanding ORCA #4: METRORCA - Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance
Here's what people are saying about METRORCA:
..... 1 am writing to wholeheartedly recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for
consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies have significantly reduced theft rates and safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. Their relentless efforts not only mitigate risks associated with organized retail crime but also contribute to the overall safety and well-being of our community. I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable impact of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance's initiatives, and I have no doubt that their exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication make them deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.
...... 1 am writing to recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies has safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. Their relentless efforts not only mitigate risks associated with organized retail crime but also contribute to the overall safety and well-being of our community. I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable impact of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance's initiatives, and I have no doubt that their exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication make them deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.
..... 1 am nominating the METRORCA for outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year.
The METRORCA continues to demonstrate a strong sense of community and support for all retailers regardless of size. The METRO RCA has demonstrated through its collaboration with Law Enforcement, Retailers, and Private channels its ability to mitigate loss and protect people. The support provided by the METRORCA is invaluable and unmatched .
..... 1 am writing to recommend the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance for consideration as the Outstanding Organized Retail Crime Alliance of the Year. The Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, innovation, and effectiveness in combating organized retail crime within our community. Their proactive approach, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and implementation of advanced technologies has safeguarded the interests of retailers and consumers alike. Members of the Metro Organized Retail Crime Alliance exhibit a strong commitment to sharing intelligence, best practices, and resources to address emerging threats and protect businesses from financial losses. It was through this alliance that I was also able to make connections when I was laid off from my last position.